Tuesday, August 21, 2007

She's flying solo, people!

It started with a pep talk. The ins, the outs, the stops the starts, the basics if you will. Then dad running alongside the bike, saying "slow down" every step or two, as if she was listening. Gradually, dad hangs back and lets her go on her own. Is it because he is winded from all of the running? Perhaps. This is a big moment for both dad and daughter. (And mother, who is snapping pictures furiously a la paparazzi.) And an occasional crash whilst stopping? No problemo. This girl has found her wings. And somehow Bill and I have grown older in the process.

Taught Photoshop Elements last night. What a great group again. I hate to be a teacher geek, but it feels good to be teaching again. Will I think that next week when it's time to go back to school? Hecks no.

Went to a work gathering/barbeque for Bill's school district. Met some more amazing people who were involved in a work camp that takes high school students from around the country and has them visit communities and do work projects for those in need. They stayed at the Creek, bunking in the high school. The people at the dinner are the organizers of the event, and the passion they feel for the work that they are doing? Inspirational beyond belief. We could all do more, couldn't we?

Have a great Tuesday.


Unknown said...

Love the bike pics!!! WTG, Jenna!!

monica.coffman said...

Ran across your blog today...cute photos and love your work!