Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A few holiday photos

And a Christmas decoration update. As of 9:15 a.m. there is absolutely no trace of Christmas to be found. Bah Humbug. Seriously, it felt good to get my house back to normal. Now I can enjoy the rest of my vacation knowing everything is DONE. Done, I tell you! We did brave the malls for Em's IPod Touch. Seriously cool. I'd buy one if I wasn't saving my pennies for the new camera. The one calling my name . . . can you hear it?

And did you notice I even included a few pictures of me? It pains me, because in my head I don't look like this. I avoid mirrors (AKA reality) at all costs. And here it is staring me in the face. But for the first time Em and Bill volunteered to have me in the shots, and I figure I owe them for being the paparazzi and having a camera in their face 24/7.

And that handsome man, well he's my dad. (Pardon the toothpick in his mouth. LOL!) I think the world of this man. He has Parkinson's, and it's one nasty disease. His attitude however is nothing but positive. Sometimes evenings are hard for him . . . he tires easily and has trouble staying in conversations. But he was so sharp, and we shared stories of memories of traveling to his hometown in Wisconsin. It was the highlight of my Christmas, to be certain.

And after all of the singing of "I want a hippopotumus for Christmas," Miss J received just that.

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