Let's see. Jen got a haircut. She looks too cute! Older, and I almost hyperventilated when it was getting cut. You see, I have issues with cutting long hair. My sister and I always had long hair, so long you could sit on it. I remember that I would fight with my mom because she always wanted it in braids. I used to go to school and take them out, and say someone else did it. (Can you say liar, liar, pant on fire?) Then in fifth grade I got a genius idea to cut it all off. Well, that didn't go so well. Some of the boys in school told me they would bring a bag to wear over my head, it looked so bad. Hence the "issues" with cutting hair. I had it with Emily, and now with Jenna. The hairdresser only cut off about 4 inches, and her hair is still long. Just not AS long.
My nephew called my mom the other day and told her to watch the news. He is a deputy in a county up north, and there was a story on the air he was involved in. See the article. To make a long story short, he is a hero. NOT that I didn't already know that, but he saved three people from a burning vehicle. I couldn't be any prouder of him.
So I'm hoping to have a creative weekend. It has been so long since I've done any scrapping. And I'm hoping to do a little something with some beads that were RAK'd my way. If you find any mojo, please send it my way. I beg of you.